How to Grill

Bison Back Ribs

Grilling the ribs
  • Use Two-Zone Grilling: Set up your grill for two-zone grilling by placing the coals or burners on one side and leaving the other side without direct heat. This setup allows you to sear the ribs over high heat and then finish cooking them more gently on the cooler side. It helps prevent flare-ups and ensures more controlled cooking.
  • Sear First, Cook Slowly Later: Start by searing the bison ribs over high heat on the hot side of the grill. This helps create a nice crust and seals in the juices. Once the ribs are seared on all sides, move them to the cooler side of the grill and continue cooking them over indirect heat. This slow-cooking method ensures tender, juicy ribs without drying them out.
  • Keep the Lid Closed: While grilling the bison ribs, try to resist the temptation to constantly peek and flip the meat. Keeping the lid closed as much as possible helps maintain a consistent temperature and smoke, resulting in better overall flavor and tenderness.
  • Use a Meat Thermometer: Bison ribs are leaner than pork or beef ribs, which means they can cook faster. To avoid overcooking, use a meat thermometer to monitor the internal temperature. The target temperature for bison ribs is around 145°F to 160°F (63°C to 71°C) for medium-rare to medium doneness.
  • Resting Period: Once the ribs reach the desired temperature, remove them from the grill and let them rest for about 5 minutes before serving. Resting allows the juices to redistribute, ensuring a more flavorful and juicy eating experience.

By following these tips, you'll be able to enjoy tender and flavorful grilled bison ribs that showcase the natural taste of this unique meat. Happy grilling!